- Parents are expected to make sure that their wards are in proper uniform.
- Uniform should be properly washed and ironed neatly.
- Shirts should be buttoned up and tucked in properly.
- Neck-tie should be worn properly.
- Parents should pin a handkerchief duly labeled on the left side of the shirt / pinafore properly.
- It is mandatory to bring one set of clothes along with the child's name in a polythene bag duly labelled, without fail for emergency use.
- It is mandatory to attach name labels to all items of uniform such as socks, woolen garments, etc. to prevent loss.
- Hair to be oiled and neatly combed / pinned.
- Long hair should be properly tied or plaited. Only white bands and black clips are permitted.
- Fancy haircuts and highlighting of hair is not permitted
- Henna, nail polish and accessories must be strictly avoided.
- Nails should be cut short regularly.
- All the Students must wear the ID card regularly.
- Parents are requested to acquaint themselves fully with the rules and abide them. In order to secure all that is best in the education of your child, the maximum co-operation between parents and school authorities is necessary.
- Parents must take a serious note of all the notes made in the Parent-Teacher Communication Diary and countersign regularly.
- The School authorities expect the parents to report to them any negligence or misconduct.
- Parents or guardians should see that their children come to school neatly dressed in full uniform.
- Both the parents should be present on Parent-Teacher's/Collaboration Meet held during the year.
- Parents/guardians are not allowed to see the student or meet the teachers during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
- Special reports of the student's conduct, application, progress and attendance are issued by the School after tests and examinations. Parents should see that these reports are brought to them and take steps in time against the causes that impede the progress of their children.
- These reports must be countersigned by the parents as proof that they have seen them. Failure to do so may put the children to great inconvenience. They should keep an eye on the attendance reports
- Parents should encourage children to take part in the co-curricular activities of the school.
- The School must be informed of any change in the home address of the student especially, contact numbers.
- When communicating with the Principal, parents must mention the class in which their children are studying at present
- Parents are requested to maintain the decorum in the school premises.
- Appreciating your assurance for the safety of your son/daughter you shall not hold the school authorities responsible / liable for any unforeseen incidents whatsoever beyond the control of the organizers or the school authorities.